What is Birds On The Edge and what has it achieved so far?
Saturday 18th May 2013. Start 10.30 at Devil’s Hole.
Join Birds On The Edge and Action for Wildlife on a fascinating walk along the north coast path from Devil’s Hole to Sorel Point and back with Sally Dalman, Cris Sellarés and Glyn Young.
This stretch of coast is truly beautiful and best shows off the project. Learn here about the birds of the north coast: the importance of the area for breeding, wintering and as a stopover during migration. We will hope to see several species including breeders on the coastal edge and any migrants that may still be heading further north.
We can look too at the bracken, how it has become invasive over large areas of the cliff tops and how we can manage it. I am sure that we will have a chance to meet some of the most stalwart land workers, the Manx Loaghtan sheep doing their best to open up this habitat. We will see the recently planted hedges and look at their importance for birds throughout the year and also the permanent fields and second crops planted out as winter food for birds.
While we are on the cliffs we will look out for the choughs and learn how the programme to return these stunning birds to the Island is progressing. We can see the release aviary and meet the occupants.
The walk will last approximately two hours, on undulating terrain, so good shoes are required and a degree of fitness. Bring drinks as, you never know, it might be hot and there will be a pub on hand for lunch later if you chose!
Please meet in the Upper Car Park (above the Priory Inn) at 10.15.
Great! I’ll be there, total beginner and shared on fb! Big hugs x
Me just turned into three.. Looking forward it x