Jersey launches birdwatching and photography code

Cetti's warbler. Photo by Mick DrydenWith the increasing appreciation of the Island’s birdlife come new responsibilities. Social media further shares immediate opportunities to broadcast sightings and other information on our birds. It has considered, therefore, appropriate to put together a guide with simple steps on how to enjoy birdwatching and bird photography in a way that’s safe for oneself, others and the birds and habitats we are so admiring

This new code has been inspired from similar guidelines produced by the BTO, RSPB, and other birding and bird conservation organizations in the world. It has been created through a series of consultations between by Birds On The Edge and members of the Ornithology Section of the Société Jersiaise.

So, please consider what is best for the birds at all times. But please, always enjoy  your birds! The new code can be downloaded here.

The States of Jersey Department of the Environment also have guidelines for visiting the Island’s SSI’s and these can be downloaded here.