Jersey’s Great Garden Bird Watch

The 12th Great Garden Bird Watch takes place this weekend, Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd February

Chaffinch. Photo by Mick DrydenIslanders are urged to become involved in monitoring bird life in the Island. The event is coordinated by Action for Wildlife Jersey in conjunction with the Jersey Evening Post (JEP) and all data received will be passed on to La Société Jersiaise to add to their records and included in BIRDS ON THE EDGE bird monitoring analyses. Data from past years’ surveys were included in the 2011 assessment of our birds that became the Island’s first bird redlist The Conservation Status of Jersey’s Birds which can be downloaded here.

How to enter the survey

Collared dove. Photo by Mick DrydenWatch the birds in your garden for any period between
8 am and 11 am on either the Saturday or the Sunday. Note the highest number of each species of bird that you see together at one time during that period – not the total number which enter your garden over the period of the watch. Survey forms and a handy identification guide will be published in the JEP on Thursday the 31st.

Completed forms can be posted in or delivered to the JEP or there is a convenient form for submitting records on line here.