January volunteer activity

Sunday 12th January 2020 –– Gorey 10:30-13.00

From Jersey Conservation Volunteers

Happy New Year!!

Fancy working off some of those festive excesses and doing something good for wildlife? Come and join us!

Task This Sunday, we will be revisiting a project that was started last year to improve habitat for wall lizards and wild strawberry.

The Gorey area holds the largest colony of wall lizards in Jersey, Devon Gardens is a public garden in Gorey that is home to several important Jersey species. The walls provide great habitat for the lizards and wild strawberry but are becoming overgrown with vegetation, threatening the habitat so we will work to remove areas of dense ivy. The overall aim is to create a park area specifically designed for the wall lizards as well as creating some human habitats where people can sit and soak up the great views of the Castle and Grouville Bay.

If you have any questions, or if you wish to be added to the Jersey Conservation Volunteers email list, please contact either Julia Clively (tel: 441600; j.clively@gov.je) or Jon Parkes (tel: 483193; jon.parkes@nationaltrust.je).

The site (Jersey phone directory map 11, LL15 and Google maps here

Parking There is on-road parking as well as several public car parks nearby and parking on the pier.

Note: You may need a disc or scratch cards depending on where you park.

Meet at the bottom of the gardens, ready to start work at 10.30. We will be finished by 13.00.

Tools needed As always, we can supply some tools, but if you have a pair of gardening gloves, and cutting tools (e.g. pruning saw, loppers, secateurs) it would be helpful if you could bring them along with you.

Clothing needed Please dress for the weather and bring a pair of gardening gloves (though we can supply a pair if you don’t have them).  

Children All are welcome, young or old although we do ask that volunteers under 16 years of age are accompanied by an adult.

Refreshments Kim will be setting up her pop up cafe to treat you all when work finishes at about 12.30.

See you there!

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