Birds On The Edge Farmland Scheme shortlisted for top local conservation award

By Cris Sellarés

Earlier this month BOTE’s Trial Farmland Scheme was entered into Insurance Corporation of the Channel Islands’ 2013 Conservation Awards and, visited by the judging panel, shortlisted for this year’s award.

The judges for the Insurance Corporation Conservation Awards and BOTE Project Officer Cristina Sellarés at the conservation fields in the north coast.The judges’ site visit was organized and BOTE Project Officer, Cristina Sellarés, was able to show the judges the agricultural fields that are being planted with bird conservation crops once the potatoes are harvested. Cris also explained how these important crops will help our local birds survive the winter, whilst not costing the farmer any extra money thanks to the scheme sponsors. Whilst we are sure that this fine example of habitat restoration project that BOTE is promoting within the local community got the judges’ interest, the main prize was awarded to a marine conservation project by another local organization, Jersey Seasearch, which aims to give young people the opportunity to proactively take part in the protection of our local waters.

Congratulations are in order, so well done Jersey Seasearch! And as for us, we’ll carry on with our work, happy in the knowledge that from this humble scheme we are doing our best for the local birds, the coastal habitats and the Island’s community.

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